Going Green and Showing It was one of ten workshops that took place at the 4th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (11 November 2013 Vilnius, Lithuania.)
Realise and enjoy how many possibilities there are to get added value from a successful project within the Strategy. It is not all about networking. It is about giving flesh and blood to the initial idea. It is to develop the first commitment among people and organisations you did not know before. You can make this transnational and at the same time anchor it in the national environment. It can be linked to peoples’ ordinary life. The results can and will act as a stable platform for future visions. This is possible, but you need to communicate it! We show how you can do it and we hope you will help us doing it even better. As the basis we will use one of the successful flagship projects within Strategy. Join us – learn and share your ideas and experiences!
Ulf Wikström, INTERACT Point Turku