When Baltic Business Meets the Environment was one of ten workshops that took place at the 4th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (12 November 2013 Vilnius, Lithuania.)
The main actors of priority area ‘Innovation’ presented the achievements of the projects within this priority area and provided insights on the future steps in light of the new financial perspective. The workshop also considered how to bridge the gap between strategic projects and more concrete commercial results.
ORGANISED BY: Minstry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania and VINNOVA
Vilma Purienė, Ministry of Economy, Lithuania
Erik Bunis, VINNOVA
Maria Lindbom, Region of Skåne
Vytautas Petrauskas, ScanBalt
Jurgita Revuckienė, ScanBalt
Uwe Sassenberg, Science Link
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Submariner
Colin Wolfe, European Commission
Stefan Cairén, Ministry of Enterprise, Sweden
Karin Nygård Skalman, VINNOVA